Rootin’ Tootin’ Brand Newin’

IFG and Grapery Candy Grapes

Grown RIPE Here

Harvest Spotlight - IFG Grapes



A small tour of our Grapery Selection

IFG 37
The Finger Grape!

IFG 37s are some of the most unique looking grapes on the market right now, despite being age old! They have a unique muscat-esque flavor. When the tips darken, they take on a superb mulberry esque flavor.

Dangerously tasty, eat with care.

IFG 38
The Sweetheart Muscat Grape!

Muscat grapes have a unique flavor compared to other varieties of green grapes, but when blended with the Cotton Candy flavor you get something that's equal parts fun and dignified, like a violin made of hard candy. or Michael Angelo's favorite fudge recipe.

Like a mouthful of delicious sunshine.

Candy Snaps

Crisp and delicious, exceedingly sweet with a unique flavor profile - Strawberries. These grapes defy expectations and amaze farm goers across California. You definitely want to experience these before the season is over.

Strawberry flavor in a grape? Yeah. You read that right.

IFG 36
The Giant Grape!

If you've ever eaten an IFG 34 you've probably had the thought "The only thing that would make this better is more of it at one time." We've got good news for you. This is that grape. Juicy crisp bulbs full of delicious refreshing flavor - Perfect for freezing or eating fresh. For extra fun, have a friend feed them to you while you lay on a very nice couch.

IFG 34 in an XL size.

IFG 34
The No Joke Grape!

IFG 34s are the unification of North American historical flavors and classical European excellence. Being a blend of Concord and European varietals, this unique harvest capitalizes on the most recognizable taste in American grapes. The rich and velvety profile pairs oh so sweetly with the enhanced sugars often found in the finest grapes used for dessert wines across Europe.

Too delicious to make jokes about.

Sweet Maybelle

While the Sweet Maybelle looks like a standard red grape, the flavor is miles away from the likes of Red Globe and Sweet Scarlet. Unbelievably amounts of sweetness mix with the rich enticing flavor that marks a perfectly harvested grape. When a great variety meets perfectly ripe pickin’, you get the unbeatable Sweet Maybelle.

Pairs well with cheeses, crackers, sandwhiches… basically everything. Even itself.

Have you heard of IFG?

They’re kind of a big deal, and we’ve got their newest stuff.

Yes, these guys did the Cotton Candy Varieties.

Yep, we grow the new ones.

Yep, they’re that good.

Check out the silver stuff on those Julip grapes. it ain’t dust! That’s called Bloom, or Luster, but you could call it oleanolic acid if you’re a big nerd. It helps the grape stay healthy by staving off decomposition. It’s pretty awesome, and it’s just gorgeous!

For a long time the resources it required to breed a new fruit were reserved for only the largest corporate farms. IFG helped change that.


We’re over the moon(drop) to be working with one of the companies that is revolutionizing not just flavor, but family family farming.

Making new varieties of fruit ain’t easy. Acres upon acres of test orchards filled with unique varieties of stone fruit. Carefully selected sprouts are fostered into long vines and meticulously observed to estimate factors that dictate everything to farmers. Hardiness, flavor, aesthetics and more make up the critical factors when deciding what plants will grow on your farm for decades so choosing the right variety is key. For a long time the resources it required to breed a new fruit were immense and reserved for only the largest corporate growers. That is, until Jack Pandol Jr and the Stoller family came together to form IFG in Bakersfield. Their mission was to make new varieties of fruit accessible to farmer’s everywhere, and they succeeded.

Looks like big science, but it’s really just a baby grape in special media and a protective tube!

Look at how cute it is! B’awww!

How do they do it?

Most people think new varieties of fruit are either grown in a tube or just happen suddenly. There’s a little bit of truth to that, but… it’s very little. The reality of the matter is that breeders like IFG meticulously select parent varieties and breed hundreds and hundreds of plants trying to get the perfect mixture. Each year, they prepare millions of blossoms for breeding, each by hand across 80 acres of test land. From there, over 75,000 seedlings have been grown, hoping to find the best of the best.

We don’t do GMO’s, and neither do they. International Fruit Genetics does it the old fashion way, but with equal parts science and farming.

Grapery and IFG

IFG is fantastic, but Grapery plays no small part in the success of their grape program. Jack Pandol had a strong history in the most cutting edge grape varieties, but when he met up with IFG it took things to a whole new level. It was the partnership between Grapery and IFG that brought to light the Cotton Candy, Moon Drop, and Flavor Pop grapes that started a whole new age in table grapes. Why? Because while most breeders have a ton of stuff to think about, like how resistant to disease a grape might be, what it’s yield is, or what climate it grows in, Mr.Pandol focused on the same thing most everyone focuses on, making the most delicious grape ever to be crunched.