Harvest Spotlight

Buddha’s Hand 

Fingered Citron

Get a grip on
Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis”

The Buddha's Hand Citron is by far one of the most peculiar-looking pieces of produce at Murray Family Farms.

In today’s Harvest Spotlight you're going to learn all about it's history, its uses, and everything else you could possibly need to blow the socks off everyone at your next meal.

 Buddha’s Hand Citron?

A Citron is a variety of lemon that has barely any or juice on the inside.  What makes the Buddha's hand unique is that it has absolutely no juice on the inside! Oh, and the tentacles at the end.
Those too.

Significantly more boring than their fingered bretheren, but still pretty good!

While the Buddha's Hand has no juice, its white pith is pleasant and mild with a flavor that recalls cucumber and grapefruit flavors.

These Citron are popular sights in Eastern markets.

How to eat it…

The Buddha's Hand, when sliced and dipped in a simple syrup of equal parts water and sugar becomes a tempting sour candy when dried.


Citron Sun-Tea is an absolute
t made by simply by
placing citron in water and
resting it in direct sunlight.

Sun Tea

When Bottled in Vodka with
sugar it becomes
a delicious beverage made
easily at home.


When the yellow skin
is removed, it can be sliced with
a potato peeler to add a gratifying and refreshing crunch. that puts a new spin on salad!

In Salads

The Pith contains assorted
flavonoids, which have some
ability to reduce carbohydrate
absorption from the intestinal
tract, reducing rises in blood
sugar after eating.

For Diet

Exotic Fruit Culture Facts!

Buddha's Hands hold a significant place in Buddhism, where it is considered an exceptional offering in temples, and used during special occasions such as New Years in China. Buddha's Hands in which the fingers are closed are considered auspicious, as they resemble praying hands, but even when the fingers are open it is a sign of good times! The Chinese saying, “Yellow generates Yin and Yang” implies it encourages balance, and thus is exceptionally esteemed.

Steven Murray’s


Asian Art Museum
San Francisco

If that isn't enough It's Chinese name "Fo Shou" sounds like “fortune” (fo) and “longevity” (shou)! 



Qing Dynasty c1644 Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Other Uses…

Effective Cleaner and Antibacterial.

Proven to have strong antifungal and antibacterial properties, citronella can help clean any home surface without the need for harsh chemicals. Because of its compounds, including methyl isoeugenol, it’s effective for reducing food-born pathogens and even dangerous bacteria. This thing is so useful it's silly!

Natural Perfume or Room Freshener

The Buddha's Hand exhudes extremely fragrant oil that makes it commonplace in perfumes and potpourri. The acidity and unique properties of the oil cancel out other negative scents like carbon dioxide and lactic acid in humans, making it's lemon scent even more pronounced.

Citronella is a natural Insecticide.

Familiar with Citronella candles? The oil from Buddha's Hand has been registered as a safe plant-based insect repellent since 1948, working on everything from flies and mosquitoes to even lice. Most of those fancy candles are simply citronella-infused candles, but they are especially effective when applied directly to the skin!

Skin Care

It's oil enhances penetration of skin and speeds up wound healing, this is thanks to it's strong antifungal and antibacterial qualities that clean pores, making it beneficial for remedying acne and healing age spots.

Use Responsibly! 

The oil from the Citron is extremely effective, and its effects can even be felt from skin contact. It has a mild muscle relaxing effect that can cause  increased heart rate in those especially sensitive. Pregnant woman may find their skin is too sensitive for the powerful oils of the fruit.